after that we ended up in cheryl's house where we met the people who refused to cycle/skate with us on sentosa to have dinner.yum.lots of pizza,chicken,fruits,calamansi drink and ALOT of much that we didnt/hardly play any sports there tho cheryl kindly brought down the bballs/racket games. I think we should visit her condo more often.lotsa facilities there ^^
and we visited cheryl's room and we didnt take a photo of it-.-it was filled with loads and loads of trophies.i think the sports day stuff made up a lot of it.haha:D like my medals-.-are pathetically only from hc for my hc years i think O.o thats the end.lalala.more fun next weekend?
looking at the photos, i realised i got fatter O.o any remedies besides cutting down on food and exercising?